Início / Transporte ferroviário e trânsito
Year in Infrastructure 2024 da Bentley
Ícone de trilho, cor branca

Categoria: Ferrovias e Transporte

This category recognizes projects that demonstrate digital innovation in planning, design and engineering of new rail assets, and the maintenance and upgrade of rail and transit networks.

Imagem em destaque | Vencedor na categoria Ferrovia e Transporte do ano anterior
Crédito da imagem: SPL Powerlines UK

Seu projeto deve incluir uma abordagem inovadora que atinja pelo menos um dos seguintes objetivos:

  • Aumento significativo da produtividade
  • Mais sustentabilidade através de novos métodos de construção
  • Transformação de processos durante as operações para oferecer maior confiabilidade


This category recognizes projects that demonstrate digital innovation in planning, design and engineering of new rail assets, and the maintenance and upgrade of rail and transit networks. Please showcase your innovative use of Bentley applications, either independently or combined with other software—including AssetWise, iTwin, OpenBridge, OpenBuildings, OpenRail, OpenRoads, PLAXIS, ProjectWise, MicroStation, and SYNCHRO—across the entire project and asset lifecycle.

Please include any quantitative results relating to cost savings and productivity, as well as quality and safety, if applicable. Remember to include high-quality visuals—such as images, screenshots, animations, charts, videos, and diagrams—and provide actual models and product screenshots. Please also provide examples of how you are leveraging digital twins and AI across the lifecycle to advance project delivery and enhance asset performance.

Criteria 1

Showcase the innovative application and/or integration of Bentley software throughout project delivery (e.g. planning, design, engineering and analysis, construction, handover).

Criteria 2

Detail the application of engineering principles (e.g. industry best practices and/or standards used) and how you and your team used Bentley software for design and analysis for rail engineering. These models could be used for:

  • Design.
  • Analysis.
  • Drawing production.
  • Monitoring.
  • Relatórios.

Criteria 3

Showcase how digital twins helped automate or modernize the solution, including

  • Interoperability.
  • Software programming interfaces (APIs)
  • Integration with BIM or other technology.

Criteria 4

Provide measured/quantified return on investment (ROI) achieved using Bentley software, including:

  • Cost savings (energy efficiency, water loss, design, construction and maintenance costs).
  • Time savings.
  • Resource optimization.
  • Risk management (mitigation measures and solutions).

Criteria 5

Showcase sustainability impact of the project (climate adaptation, society, community, safety, environmental, etc.), including:

  • Energy savings.
  • Lower carbon footprint.
  • Improved resilience.
  • Improved quality of life.
  • Mitigated risk.

As inscrições devem incluir imagens interessantes e informativas de alta qualidade, capturas de tela, modelos, simulações, animações e filmes, gráficos e/ou diagramas.

Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre os critérios, entre em contato conosco pelo [e-mail protegido]

Veja os finalistas de 2024


Fase principal do projeto RBDTD-LV-DS3 Supervisão do projeto e da construção, fronteira entre a Estônia e a Letônia - Wangash

SPL Powerlines UK

Eletrificação da linha principal de Midland

Transport for London

The Elizabeth Line

20% de desconto em software da Bentley

A oferta termina na sexta-feira

Use o código de cupom "THANKS24"

Comemore a excelência na entrega e no desempenho da infraestrutura

Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

Indique um projeto para os prêmios de maior prestígio em infraestrutura! O prazo estendido para participar é 29 de abril.