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[…] map interface, helping to increase efficiency across your organization. Gain timely insights with powerful and concise dashboards, or set up reports that deliver progress updates to your homepage.  Comparison Chart BCDE Portfolio What is BCDE Portfolio? BCDE Portfolio is our premium license edition that unlocks the full project and asset information capabilities of our […]

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[…] ENCOURAGE USER ADOPTION BCDE Project is quick and easy to use, which is key to being adopted by all team members. The intuitive user interface and attractive homepage enables you to easily navigate through the site. BCDE Project quickly provides what you need, as it only searches through your data. The software differs from […]

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[…] them implement it. Extend your capabilities by integrating layers of open data and SSSI to your projects and assets. Access project, asset, and organization information from your homepage. FIND OUT MORE AT BENTLEY.COM 1.800.BENTLEY (1.800.236.8539) | Outside the US +1.610.458.5000 I GLOBAL OFFICE LISTINGS DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL  Central location for all […]

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[…] and ensure supplier-delivered project information meets and maintains defi ned information management standards over the lifecycle of the asset. Access project, asset, and organization information from your homepage. Extend your capabilities by integrating layers of open data and SSSI to your projects and assets. FIND OUT MORE AT BENTLEY.COM 1.800.BENTLEY (1.800.236.8539) | Outside the […]

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[…] registrants. Registration payment must be received before the Event. If applicable, early -bird registration payment s must be received by the date set forth on the Event’s homepage or other Bentley promotional publications . Please be advised that your registration is not considered confirmed until payment has been received in full. Once payment has […]

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[…] user name and password, or corporate SAML Š Password rules can be enforced Š Perpetual audit histor y across documents and workflows Manage UX Š Customise the homepage with corporate branding and images Š Configure an important system message to display to all users pre-login Š Customise the portlets and data views Š Corporate […]

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[…] Š Data governance Š Engineering work-in-progress Create and synchronize digital twins during design using Bentley infrastructure schemas to align data from multiple disciplines. The attractive and intuitive homepage with advanced search capabilities ensures that information is delivered quickly to your users. FIND OUT MORE AT BENTLEY.COM 1.800.BENTLEY (1.800.236.8539) | Outside the US +1.610.458.5000 I […]

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[…] 221 TENNET TSO 26,879Netherlands 222 CENOVUS ENERGY 26,836Canada 223 ORIGIN ENERGY 26,780Australia 224 ANHEUSER BUSCH 26,678Belgium 225 HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD (SINGAPORE) 26,622Singapore 226 HOLCIM 26,601Switzerland 227 J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK 26,438United States 228 ENEOS HOLDINGS (FORMERLY JX NIPPON OIL & ENERGY) 26,371Japan 229 STATE OF KENTUCKY 26,343United States 230 HONDA MOTOR 26,226Japan 231 […]

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[…] 28,522 China 228 TOHOKU ELECTRIC POWER 28,300 Japan 229 JAPAN NUCLEAR FUEL 28,262 Japan 230 TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD 27,945 Malaysia 231 CHUBU PLANT SERVICE 27,758 Japan 232 J.P. MORGAN CHASE BANK 27,697 United States 233 HOUSING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD (SINGAPORE) 27,677 Singapore 234 COMMONWEALTH EDISON 27,513 United States 235 EDP PRODUCAO 27,338 Portugal 236 […]

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[…] in the training required, we have returned that investment many times over due to the automate d updates based on civil design changes and parametric updates from component-level modication.” – Joseph Armstrong, BIM Principal, Hatch Using OpenBridge the design team fullled all client requirements and delivered a well- designed digital model. Image courtesy of Hatch.

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[…] training required, we have returned that investment many times over due to the automated updates based on civil design changes and parametric updates from component-level modification.” – Joseph Armstrong, BIM Principal, Hatch Using OpenBridge the design team fullled all client requirements and delivered a well- designed digital model. Image courtesy of Hatch. WATCH THIS […]

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Recomendações de software


MicroStation Software Logotipo Branco


Obtenha o poder e a flexibilidade de que precisa para modelar, documentar, avaliar e recuperar informações de arquitetura, engenharia, mapeamento, construção e planejamento operacional para projetos de todos os tamanhos.


Logotipo do software ProjectWise branco


Realize o processo de projeto digital, um portfólio inteligente, a gestão da qualidade dos dados e os recursos avançados de engenharia em projetos em andamento para melhorar o desempenho e a produtividade do projeto com o ProjectWise, desenvolvido pelo iTwin.


Logotipo branco do software SYNCHRO


Este aplicativo oferece suporte ao gerenciamento eficiente de projetos com construção virtual, planejamento e fluxos de trabalho baseados em modelos, desde o canteiro de obras até o escritório.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logotipo Branco

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

O software abrangente apoia decisões para o projeto, planejamento e operação de sistemas de abastecimento de água.

Gêmeos Digitais

PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco

Gêmeos Digitais

Descubra o que são gêmeos digitais, como eles o beneficiam e como funcionam.

OpenRoads Designer

OpenRoads Software Logotipo Branco

OpenRoads Designer

Este aplicativo combina design e documentação detalhados e abrangentes para projetos de construção de estradas, incluindo levantamento, drenagem, serviços públicos subterrâneos e visualização.


Logotipo do Software STAAD branco


Beneficie-se da análise e do projeto de qualquer estrutura, simples ou complexa e compartilhe facilmente o modelo sincronizado para colaboração em equipes multidisciplinares.


PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco


Realize poderosas análises 3D de deformação e estabilidade em geotecnia e mecânica de rochas com o PLAXIS 3D.

Comemore a excelência na entrega e no desempenho da infraestrutura

Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

Indique um projeto para os prêmios de maior prestígio em infraestrutura! O prazo estendido para participar é 29 de abril.