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[…] overlaying sensors on 2D maps for spatial context. • Integration and Compatibility: Ensuring sensor-agnostic design, supporting remote sensing data, and seamless integration with various platforms. The following list delves into the multifaceted ways in which IoT is reshaping heavy civil construction, offering a glimpse into the future of the industry: Project Monitoring, Management, and […]

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[…] The changes that are redefining the industry Finding ways to manage subsurface investigation data more efficiently is something that most geotechnical engineering companies have on their to-do list. A move to the cloud is often a major step in this process. Making this change isn’t always easy. You might be worried that you don’t […]

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[…] 1.10. “Data de vigência” refere -se à data especificada na fatura. Contrato do usuário do Virtuosity 1.11 “Produto qualificado” refere -se ao Produto da Bentley designado na Lista de qualificação do programa de licenciamento da Bentley, que pode ser acessado em -content/uploads/Licensing – Program -Eligibility –List.pdf , na ausência da qual um Produto […]

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[…] Nube. Contrato de usuario de Virtuosity 1.10. “Fecha Efectiva” significa la fecha especificada en la factura. 1.11. “Producto Cualificado” significa un Producto de Bentley especificado en la Lista de cualificación del Programa de licencias de Bentley, a la que se puede acceder a través de – content/uploads/Licensing -Program -Eligibility –List.pdf ; un Producto […]

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[…] Create 2D and 3D deliverables Š Deliver machine control guidance Š Supervise construction Š Streamline the maintenance, rehabilitation, and decommissioning 9 of 23 Check out the capabilities list to understand how easy concepting can be. Rail and Bridge Conceptual Design Design Faster with Intuitive Workflows Designed specifically for rail design teams, OpenRail ConceptStation works […]

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[…] Access all the learning you need here. What is the difference between AutoCAD and MicroStation? The differences between AutoCAD and MicroStation can be found on our comprehensive list of over 100 MicroStation features and capabilities. Check out the feature-by-feature comparison between MicroStation and AutoCAD. Compare now Where can I get support for MicroStation, in […]

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OpenFlows Storm

[…] used for the design of the power supply. — Tandon Urban Solutions Pvt. Ltd., TUSPL Previous Next Resources Webinars Watch Now ❯ Blogs Read Now ❯ Podcasts Listen Now ❯ View All Resources View Now ❯ Get Started Today Buy Now Talk to an Expert Talk to an Expert × Close OpenFlows Software Logo […]

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[…] of city systems and produce a better understanding of the often s iloed repositories of data cities capture. Here are at six examples of how cities are applying this technology. Dublin gets a twin The Dublin Digital Twin project is a joint initiative among the City of Dublin, Bentley Systems, and Microsoft to create […]

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[…] a digital representation that accurately reflects the physical network operation so that in times of trouble, your teams can be prepared and in control. An open modeling application provides a crucial feedback loop between the operatio ns and engineering teams. The operations team brings field problems that engineering teams can dynamically assess through digital […]

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[…] to meet the new building safety regulations. Jack White, technical manager of Clarion Housing Group, said that the organisation needed to be exible and agile in its approach and it has effectively reimagined asset management by developing a system which has collected enhanced data for its higher-risk buildings. The benets of the system include […]

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[…] can request work permissions in the model, eliminating manual paper processes. The digital twin has increased design clarity while improving security. Because of its work, Gothenburg was listed in second place in Future Today Institute’ s global ranking of smart cities in 2019. Project Playbook: ContextCapture, OpenCities Planner Gothenburg City Gothenburg, Sweden 3D City […]

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[…] a global pandemic. They tried implementing BIM software, but their initi al technology lacked efficiency and visualization quality. Instead, they needed comprehensive, integrated 3D modeling and visualization applications. PT Hutama Karya selected ContextCapture to generate a contour map of the existing site conditions 400% faster than manual methods. Using OpenRoads and OpenBridge for 3D […]

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[…] care of district h eating systems in Finland, there is one leakage a year per every 10 kilometers of network on average ,” said Kaukovalta. The same applies to water networks . Silo AI sought to use artificial intelligence and data analytics to pinpoint areas prone to leakage and prioritize pipeline maintenance renovations. However, […]

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[…] works and utili ties, buildings and campuses, mining, and industrial facilities. Our offerings, powered by the iTwin Platform for infrastructure digital twins, include MicroStation and Bentley Open applications for modeling and simulation, Seequent ’s software for geoprofessionals, and Bentley Infrastructure Cloud encompassing ProjectWise for project delivery, SYNCHRO for construction management, and AssetWise for asset […]

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[…] technologies to maximize efficiency and cost savings. I congratulate the finalists for advancing infrastructure intelligence by adopting Bentley Infrastructure Cloud, iTwin Platform and products, and Bentley Open Applications, and I wish them success on their future projects .” The finalists in the 2023 Going Digital Awards in Infrastructure are: Bridges and Tunnels • China […]

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Recomendações de software


MicroStation Software Logotipo Branco


Obtenha o poder e a flexibilidade de que precisa para modelar, documentar, avaliar e recuperar informações de arquitetura, engenharia, mapeamento, construção e planejamento operacional para projetos de todos os tamanhos.


Logotipo do software ProjectWise branco


Realize o processo de projeto digital, um portfólio inteligente, a gestão da qualidade dos dados e os recursos avançados de engenharia em projetos em andamento para melhorar o desempenho e a produtividade do projeto com o ProjectWise, desenvolvido pelo iTwin.


Logotipo branco do software SYNCHRO


Este aplicativo oferece suporte ao gerenciamento eficiente de projetos com construção virtual, planejamento e fluxos de trabalho baseados em modelos, desde o canteiro de obras até o escritório.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logotipo Branco

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

O software abrangente apoia decisões para o projeto, planejamento e operação de sistemas de abastecimento de água.

Gêmeos Digitais

PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco

Gêmeos Digitais

Descubra o que são gêmeos digitais, como eles o beneficiam e como funcionam.

OpenRoads Designer

OpenRoads Software Logotipo Branco

OpenRoads Designer

Este aplicativo combina design e documentação detalhados e abrangentes para projetos de construção de estradas, incluindo levantamento, drenagem, serviços públicos subterrâneos e visualização.


Logotipo do Software STAAD branco


Beneficie-se da análise e do projeto de qualquer estrutura, seja ela simples ou complexa, e compartilhe facilmente o modelo sincronizado para colaboração em equipes multidisciplinares.


PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco


Execute uma poderosa análise de elementos finitos 3D de deformação e estabilidade para projetos de alto perfil em solo e rocha.

20% de desconto em software da Bentley

A oferta termina na sexta-feira

Use o código de cupom "THANKS24"

Comemore a excelência na entrega e no desempenho da infraestrutura

Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

Indique um projeto para os prêmios de maior prestígio em infraestrutura! O prazo estendido para participar é 29 de abril.