Início / Resultados da pesquisa para 'OpenFlows' / Página 3


OpenFlows Storm Ultimate OpenFlows Storm Advanced OpenFlows Storm Standard OpenFlows Storm Essentials Sizing (inlets, links, ponds) unlimited inlets unlimited links unlimited ponds unlimited inlets ≤ 250 links unlimited ponds ≤ 50 inlets ≤ 50 links and ≤3 ponds ≤ 10 inlets and ≤ 1 pond Interoperability Run OpenFlows Storm within MicroStation ®*, OpenRoads […]

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[…] for Bridges 9 Civil WorkSuite for Land and Site Development 11 Civil WorkSuite for Tunnels 13 Getting Started 3 of 13 + Civil W orkSuite OpenBridge Designer OpenFlows ™ Storm ® OpenRoads ConceptStation Support Training Mentoring ProStructures ™ OpenTunnel Designer OpenSite Designer with SITEOPS ® OpenRoads Designer Bentley LumenRT ™ Reality Modeling WorkSuite The […]

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[…] effective workflow. Plan Design AnalyzeConstruct Operate OpenRoads ConceptStation OpenRoads DesignerOpenRoads DesignerOpenRoads DesignerOpenRoads Designer OpenRoads Designer OpenBridge ModelerOpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge ModelerOpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge Modeler ® OpenTunnel ® Designer OpenFlows OpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge Modeler OpenFlows ™ Use the applications to reference model/ documents and verify accuracy of construction Use the applications to hand off the digital […]

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OpenFlows WaterGEMS is a hydraulic modeling application for water distribution systems with advanced interoperability, geospatial model building, optimization, and asset management capabilities. From fire flow and water quality analyses to energy consumption and cost management, OpenFlows WaterGEMS provides an easy-to-use environment for engineers to analyze, design, and optimize water distribution systems. SUPERIOR INTEROPERABILITY […]

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[…] OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenRail Overhead Line Designer OpenBridge Modeler ® OpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge ModelerOpenTunnel Designer OpenTunnel ® Designer OpenFlows OpenTunnel Designer OpenBridge Modeler OpenFlows ™ Use the applications to reference model/ documents to verify accuracy of construction. Use the applications to hand off the digital […]

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[…] this environment to zero in on data and apply articial intelligence and advanced analytics to gain actionable insights and support decision-making better than any single software system. OpenFlows ® WaterSight ™ makes data and analytics more visible across the enterprise, reducing operational and capital expenditures, as well as nonrevenue water loss. (Image courtesy of […]

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OpenFlows Sewer Ultimate OpenFlows Sewer Advanced OpenFlows Sewer Standard OpenFlows Sewer Essentials Sizing Unlimited Pipes ≤5,000 pipes ≤1,000 pipes ≤100 pipes Run OpenFlows Sewer within MicroStation ®, OpenRoads ™ Designer, OpenSite ® Designer*, OpenRail ™ Designer*, AutoCAD*, or as a stand-alone interface w w w w Run OpenFlows Sewer within ArcGIS* and ArcGIS […]

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OpenFlows Water Ultimate OpenFlows Water Advanced OpenFlows Water Standard OpenFlows Water Essentials Sizing Unlimited Pipes ≤5,000 pipes ≤1,000 pipes ≤100 pipes Interoperability Run OpenFlows Water within AutoCAD *, MicroStation ®*, or a stand-alone interface   Run OpenFlows Water (WaterGEMS ®* application only) within ArcGIS * and ArcGIS Pro *   Model […]

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Recomendações de software


MicroStation Software Logotipo Branco


Obtenha o poder e a flexibilidade de que precisa para modelar, documentar, avaliar e recuperar informações de arquitetura, engenharia, mapeamento, construção e planejamento operacional para projetos de todos os tamanhos.


Logotipo do software ProjectWise branco


Realize o processo de projeto digital, um portfólio inteligente, a gestão da qualidade dos dados e os recursos avançados de engenharia em projetos em andamento para melhorar o desempenho e a produtividade do projeto com o ProjectWise, desenvolvido pelo iTwin.


Logotipo branco do software SYNCHRO


Este aplicativo oferece suporte ao gerenciamento eficiente de projetos com construção virtual, planejamento e fluxos de trabalho baseados em modelos, desde o canteiro de obras até o escritório.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logotipo Branco

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

O software abrangente apoia decisões para o projeto, planejamento e operação de sistemas de abastecimento de água.

Gêmeos Digitais

PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco

Gêmeos Digitais

Descubra o que são gêmeos digitais, como eles o beneficiam e como funcionam.

OpenRoads Designer

OpenRoads Software Logotipo Branco

OpenRoads Designer

Este aplicativo combina design e documentação detalhados e abrangentes para projetos de construção de estradas, incluindo levantamento, drenagem, serviços públicos subterrâneos e visualização.


Logotipo do Software STAAD branco


Beneficie-se da análise e do projeto de qualquer estrutura, seja ela simples ou complexa, e compartilhe facilmente o modelo sincronizado para colaboração em equipes multidisciplinares.


PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco


Execute uma poderosa análise de elementos finitos 3D de deformação e estabilidade para projetos de alto perfil em solo e rocha.

20% de desconto em software da Bentley

A oferta termina na sexta-feira

Use o código de cupom "THANKS24"

Comemore a excelência na entrega e no desempenho da infraestrutura

Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

Indique um projeto para os prêmios de maior prestígio em infraestrutura! O prazo estendido para participar é 29 de abril.