Início / Resultados da pesquisa para 'OpenFlows' / Page 4


OpenFlows ™ HAMMER ® Transient Analysis and Modeling A COST-EFFECTIVE APPROACH FOR CONTROLLING TRANSIENTS Transient pressures can cause catastrophic damage to pipes and equipment, risk the safety of operators, allow the intrusion of dangerous contaminants into the system, and interrupt ser vice to customers. Over time, the increased wear and tear on pipes […]

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[…] risk of impact to Joinville residents and businesses. HYDRAULIC MODELING KEEPS WATER FLOWING Given Bentley software’s user-friendly interface and interoperability with multiple data sources, CA J selected OpenFlows WaterGEMS to create a digital twin of the municipality’s macro water distribution and supply system (main pipes with diameter greater than 100 millimeters), modeling 285 kilometers […]

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[…] the accuracy of construction Design Š OpenBridge Designer Š OpenRoads ™ Designer, OpenRail ™ Designer, OpenTunnel Designer Š ProStructures ™ Analyze Š OpenBridge Designer Š ProStructures Š OpenFlows ™ Operate Š OpenBridge Designer Š OpenTunnel Designer Š Use the applications to hand o the digital model for future maintenance Prev Next 12 of 18 […]

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Water Utilities

[…] system expansions. Advanced interoperability, scenario management, and hydraulic simulation and model management are favorites for engineers managing infrastructure with high complexity in a changing environment. Recommended Software OpenFlows WaterGEMS OpenFlows HAMMER MicroStation ProjectWise Capital Planning For risk-based pipe renewal decisions, you need proof that assets are highest risk and need to be prioritized for […]

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[…] and maintain the platform within the first 14 months. AdP began by implementing the modeling and predictive capabilities of the project. The team used Bentley software— including OpenFlows WaterGEMS, OpenFlows SewerGEMS, and OpenFlows FLOOD—for its seamless plug-in capabilities to integrate data from all AdP sources and produce a digital twin of the city’s water […]

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[…] OpenSite Designer iTwin Capture Modeler Plan OpenRoads ConceptStation OpenRoads ConceptStation OpenSite DesignerOpenRoads ConceptStation Design OpenRoads Designer LumenRT ™ OpenBridge Designer OpenSite Designer LumenRT OpenTunnel Analyze OpenRoads Designer OpenFlows ™ CivilStorm ® OpenBridge Designer ProStructures ® OpenFlows CivilStorm OpenSite Designer OpenFlows CivilStorm OpenTunnel ProStructures OpenFlows CivilStorm Deliver OpenRoads Designer OpenFlows CivilStorm OpenBridge Designer ProStructures OpenFlows […]

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Learn how water professionals use OpenFlows™ Water to solve everyday challenges and effectively and efficiently plan, design, and optimize their water distribution systems.

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Streamline Your Design Workflow Learn how water professionals use OpenFlows ™ to solve everyday challenges with their water, wastewater, and stormwater systems. 2 of 7 Table of Contents Page 3 Water Engineer or Designer 4 Wastewater Engineer 5 Stormwater Engineer 6 Working Together for Success 7 Optimze How You Plan, Design, and Analyze 3 […]

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New, Integrated 1D/2D Hydraulic Modeling for Flood Analysis With the release of CONNECT Edition Update 4, OpenFlows™ SewerGEMS ® and OpenFlows™ CivilStorm ® now provide user-friendly tools for connecting 1D network elements with 2D surface flows. This significant new expansion of capability enables engineers to better understand surface flooding depth and velocity, flood hazard, […]

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Recomendações de software


MicroStation Software Logotipo Branco


Obtenha o poder e a flexibilidade de que precisa para modelar, documentar, avaliar e recuperar informações de arquitetura, engenharia, mapeamento, construção e planejamento operacional para projetos de todos os tamanhos.


Logotipo do software ProjectWise branco


Realize o processo de projeto digital, um portfólio inteligente, a gestão da qualidade dos dados e os recursos avançados de engenharia em projetos em andamento para melhorar o desempenho e a produtividade do projeto com o ProjectWise, desenvolvido pelo iTwin.


Logotipo branco do software SYNCHRO


Este aplicativo oferece suporte ao gerenciamento eficiente de projetos com construção virtual, planejamento e fluxos de trabalho baseados em modelos, desde o canteiro de obras até o escritório.

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

OpenFlows Software Logotipo Branco

OpenFlows WaterGEMS

O software abrangente apoia decisões para o projeto, planejamento e operação de sistemas de abastecimento de água.

Gêmeos Digitais

PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco

Gêmeos Digitais

Descubra o que são gêmeos digitais, como eles o beneficiam e como funcionam.

OpenRoads Designer

OpenRoads Software Logotipo Branco

OpenRoads Designer

Este aplicativo combina design e documentação detalhados e abrangentes para projetos de construção de estradas, incluindo levantamento, drenagem, serviços públicos subterrâneos e visualização.


Logotipo do Software STAAD branco


Beneficie-se da análise e do projeto de qualquer estrutura, seja ela simples ou complexa, e compartilhe facilmente o modelo sincronizado para colaboração em equipes multidisciplinares.


PLAXIS Software Logotipo Branco


Execute uma poderosa análise de elementos finitos 3D de deformação e estabilidade para projetos de alto perfil em solo e rocha.

20% de desconto em software da Bentley

A oferta termina na sexta-feira

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Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

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