Início / OpenFlows Storm

OpenFlows Storm

OpenFlows Software Logotipo Branco

OpenFlows Storm

Plan, Design, and Analyze Stormwater Systems

Modelagem e gestão de sistemas de águas pluviais

OpenFlows Storm is a multiplatform hydraulic and hydrologic modeling solution developed for engineers to analyze complex stormwater systems, improve pond design, and gain workflow efficiency. Detect system bottlenecks, improve capacity, and limit stormwater flooding to comply with regulations.

Why OpenFlows Storm?

Plan, Design, and Analyze Stormwater Systems Effectively

  • Conduct 1D/2D hydraulic analysis for surface flood modeling
  • Design the most cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations
  • Model complex pond outlets for a variety of tailwater conditions
  • Import rainfall data and distributions
reusable content outlined black icon, creating case studies and user stories that can be provided and are easy to repurpose or share

Make Intelligent, Accurate Decisions

  • Detect system bottlenecks, improve capacity, and limit stormwater flooding
  • Automatically determine cost-effective pipe sizes and invert elevations
  • Easily manage models with scenario management and 1D solver options
  • Integrate data across multiple platforms with the power of real-time analysis
ícone preto - minimizando o risco - lupa examinando mais de perto os gráficos analíticos

Mitigate Risks and Ensure System Compliance

  • Limit stormwater flooding and comply with regulations
  • Design high-quality stormwater systems with minimal capital investments
  • Perform critical storm analysis
  • Perform remediation analysis for a variety of system conditions

*Os preços variam por região. Para mais opções, consulte a seção de Licenças e assinaturas

What is OpenFlows Storm?

  • Plan, Design, & Analyze
  • A laptop displaying a detailed software interface with charts, graphs, and various tools for data analysis and visualization.

    Plan, Design, and Analyze Stormwater Systems

    Analyze gravity flow, overflows, flow splits/diversions, pump stations, and force mains with various dry-weather and wet-weather calculation methods. Compare solutions with automated gravity system design and scenario management capabilities.

  • Scenario Management
  • A laptop screen displays a detailed software interface featuring geographical mapping and data analysis tools.

    Scenario Management

    Design and analyze stormwater systems by performing comprehensive analyses for inlet capture and bypass flows, gutters, detention facilities, open channels, and culverts.

  • Hydraulic Modeling
  • A laptop screen displays geographic mapping software with aerial imagery, various data layers, and a line graph in the lower panel.

    Interoperable Hydraulic Modeling

    Configure, evaluate, visualize, and compare an unlimited number of scenarios within a single file. Evaluate strategies for design, operations, sanitary loading, and network topology to improve decision-making.

  • Calculation Options
  • A laptop screen displaying a software interface with calculation options for numerical solvers. The interface includes a selection list and various configuration settings.

    Multiple 1D Hydraulic Solver Options

    Model within several platforms while accessing a single, shared project data source so you can produce optimal urban sewer planning and overflow remediation analysis designs in an easy-to-use environment.

  • Análise hidráulica 1D/2D
  • A laptop screen displaying GIS software with a map, data tables, and various analytical tools visible.

    Análise hidráulica 1D/2D

    Understand surface flooding depth and velocity, flood hazard, and inundation times with user- friendly tools that connect 1D network elements with 2D surface flows.


A laptop displaying a detailed software interface with charts, graphs, and various tools for data analysis and visualization.

Plan, Design, and Analyze Stormwater Systems

Analyze gravity flow, overflows, flow splits/diversions, pump stations, and force mains with various dry-weather and wet-weather calculation methods. Compare solutions with automated gravity system design and scenario management capabilities.


A laptop screen displays a detailed software interface featuring geographical mapping and data analysis tools.

Scenario Management

Design and analyze stormwater systems by performing comprehensive analyses for inlet capture and bypass flows, gutters, detention facilities, open channels, and culverts.


A laptop screen displays geographic mapping software with aerial imagery, various data layers, and a line graph in the lower panel.

Interoperable Hydraulic Modeling

Configure, evaluate, visualize, and compare an unlimited number of scenarios within a single file. Evaluate strategies for design, operations, sanitary loading, and network topology to improve decision-making.


A laptop screen displaying a software interface with calculation options for numerical solvers. The interface includes a selection list and various configuration settings.

Multiple 1D Hydraulic Solver Options

Model within several platforms while accessing a single, shared project data source so you can produce optimal urban sewer planning and overflow remediation analysis designs in an easy-to-use environment.


A laptop screen displaying GIS software with a map, data tables, and various analytical tools visible.

Análise hidráulica 1D/2D

Understand surface flooding depth and velocity, flood hazard, and inundation times with user- friendly tools that connect 1D network elements with 2D surface flows.

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Watch and learn

OpenFlows Storm can help engineers plan, design, and analyze stormwater systems.​

Histórias de usuários em destaque

Sustainable Stormwater Management



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Licenças e Assinaturas

Escolha o que melhor se adapta a você

Licença de um ano com treinamento

Assinatura Virtuoso – uma escolha popular entre pequenas e médias empresas

Obtenha o software hoje mesmo, com treinamento incluído!  A loja virtual da Bentley, Virtuosity, oferece uma maneira conveniente de adquirir uma licença de 12 meses do software Bentley por um preço inicial baixo. Toda compra on-line por meio do Virtuosity é feita na forma de uma assinatura Virtuoso, que inclui treinamento e renovações automáticas.

Sem necessidade de contrato, você pode começar imediatamente.

Comprar agora

Compra única com suporte

Licença vitalícia com SELECT

Uma licença perpétua para o software da Bentley é uma compra única com uma assinatura de serviço de um ano chamada SELECT. Isso inclui suporte técnico 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, 365 dias por ano, recursos de aprendizado e a possibilidade de trocar licenças por outros softwares uma vez por ano. Com o SELECT, você se beneficia das seguintes vantagens:

  • Pool de licenças, para que você possa acessar seu software a partir de vários computadores.
  • Acesso a software adicional da Bentley com Licenças por Prazo que permitem que você pague pelo seu uso indivudual sem o custo inicial de adquirir uma licença vitalícia.

As cotações de renovação anual serão enviadas diretamente para sua caixa de entrada e nossos experientes representantes de renovação de licenças terão prazer em responder suas perguntas e ajudá-lo com quaisquer alterações que deseje fazer.


Organizações Empresariais

Nós protegemos você

Para organizações maiores com requisitos detalhados, oferecemos planos para fornecer preços globais e acesso ao nosso portfólio abrangente de soluções e serviços de plano de sucesso. Entre em contato conosco sobre como obter acesso a software, melhores práticas globais, serviços de implementação, treinamento e suporte técnico para ajudar sua organização a atingir todo o seu potencial enquanto atende às suas necessidades exclusivas.


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Comemore a excelência na entrega e no desempenho da infraestrutura

Year in Infrastructure e Going Digital Awards 2024

Indique um projeto para os prêmios de maior prestígio em infraestrutura! O prazo estendido para participar é 29 de abril.